This serving spoon is used to stir or mix the food while cooking. It is used to take the food from the main utensils and individual plates. It is also used to make and take dal, soup or any liquid food items. This spoon is very convenient to use in your daily life.
 ideal solution for all your tableware requirements. This designs are attuned to the latest trends and styles. Every product is created and launched after extensive research and survey. Modern designs, convenience and cost-friendly, the products have been rated one among the best and most premium in the market.
Physical Dimension :
SKU :- 2593_Plastic_Serving_Spoon
Volu. Weight (Gm) :- 160
Product Weight (Gm) :- 490
Ship Weight (Gm) :- 160
Length (Cm) :- 25
Breadth (Cm) :- 6
Height (Cm) :- 15